Unified Code Counter - Government

Unified Code Counter – Government (UCC-G)

The SRDR DID requires the use of the latest Government-approved version of the University of Southern California (USC) Center for Systems and Software Engineering (CSSE) Unified Code Counter (UCC). The Government has conducted Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) that ensures the code counter can be used on Government systems and provides standardized results across the DoD community. If there are any issues accessing the UCC-G, then the University of Southern California's publicly available version of the UCC is an acceptable alternative for use.

Access to the UCC-G requires the interested party to acquire an ARC (Acquisition Research Center) account. This process is outlined below:

Step 1: Please request an ARC account by following the process outlined on How Can I Do Business with the NRO?, the registration page for ARC accounts. The ARC account request has two parts: (1) Proof of U.S. Citizenship, and (2) an online registration form.

Step 2: Request read access to the UCC-G project (U2C2 Read) by following the instructions on the new Steps to Download the UCC-G Tool document. Once the user is approved, they will be able to access the UCC-G.

For more information on who can access the UCC-G, approved versioning, and bug reporting, see the UCC-G Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Other questions about the UCC-G can be directed to acehelpdesk@westfields.net.