Online Training

Online Training

The CADE Training Team strives to provide a dynamic, scenario-driven learning environment oriented towards developing the requisite skills and knowledge of Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) and functionality of CSDR applications to include cPet, CSDR-Submit/Review, Program Planning Module (PPM), compliance dashboard, and CADE Data & Analytics.

We currently host an online Learning Management System (LMS) through Bridge called CADE Learn.  It serves a method of delivering course material for CADE training modules.  It can be accessed at

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The CADE Online Training and similar courses can be found at the DoD Financial Management Certification Program.

Courses Available

CADE 101: Introduction to CSDR and CADE

Describes the Purpose of Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) and basic types of data contained in CSDRs, elaborates on the policy and guidance documents for CSDR across all acquisition pathways, recognizes the responsibilities and actions required to navigate the CADE portal to conduct analysis.

FlexFile 101: Introduction to FlexFile

Covers how the Cost and Hour Report “FlexFile” initiative was derived, what the FlexFIle DID requirements entail, and the current implementation plan. It provides an in-depth walkthrough of a FlexFile data set and the tools to make it more manageable.

CADE 201: Intermediate CSDR Analysis and Planning

Describes the latest DD form 2794 to plan effectively for not just FlexFile but the full suite of CSDR data. Uses the Resource Distribution Table (RDT) to get the “big picture” for CSDR and learn the mechanisms to flow down reporting requirements to subcontractors and government entities. Uses Browse CSDR Submissions and Cross-Report CCDR Query to quickly locate the data needed to bulk export.

CADE 301: FlexFile Analytics - Available by Request (Live Only)

Uses representative non-proprietary data from the fictional Cerberus Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) program to demonstration the power of data analytics leveraging the complete suite of FlexFile and Software Data Reporting.

CADE for the Program Management Community

Discusses how the CSDRs in CADE can be used to inform crucial decisions about systems design and program acquisition across the life cycle, and the responsibilities in putting CSDR CDRLS on contract.

CSDR for the Acquisition Community

A detailed overview of Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR), CSDR policy, and how CSDR can be leveraged to inform crucial decisions about program acquisition across the life cycle. Additionally, this course will cover the various roles and responsibilities of the program management and contracting communities throughout the acquisition process and contract execution. Lastly, this course will demonstrate how members of the acquisition community can utilize the CADE Portal to access key data for cost estimates, manage CSDR requirements for their contracts, and participate in the CSDR planning and validation workflows.