Sustainment Reviews

Sustainment Reviews

The DoD cost community, under CAPE’s authority, requires the collection of sustainment data on efforts that meet CSDR thresholds in DoDI 5000.73. Sustainment program offices are required to administer these CSDR requirements on sustainment contracts. This data collection must be aligned with the CAPE sustainment reporting structure detailed in the Operating and Support Cost-Estimating Guide. Contract data requirements lists (CDRLs) may be amended to implement the DIDs at the discretion of the Program Manager and Cost Working Integrated Product Team (CWIPT).

More information on the Sustainment Review policy can be found in the Official Implementation of Cost Estimating, Document, Collection, and Data Reporting for Sustainment Reviews Memorandum. The latest memorandum and attachments can be found in the CADE Library. To obtain the Sustainment Reviews Memo (requires CADE Account, for Gov't users only), log in to the CADE Portal and then go to the CADE Library within the Data & Analytics application. From there, perform a keyword search for "OSD CAPE Sustainment Reviews Memorandum" to get the latest documents.